Road to Barbarism

     The world has gone completely bat-shit crazy. Its not just the people in power, but every day, average people are totally out of their minds. There was a group of teenagers in McDonald’s this morning (I don’t eat there, I just use their WiFi after the gym). A big group, about ten, of both males and females and they were all filthy dirty. Every single one of them looked like they hadn’t had a bath in a week. They looked like refugees in a post apocalypse, Mel Gibson movie.

     Some of them were attractive, young girls with their hair completely fucked up as if none of them even bothered to run their hand down the side of their head after they woke up. It was literally the most dreadful thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what kind of drugs they could’ve been doing. Maybe they were all high on codeine because they looked wiped out, not just stoned and goofy like they were smoking pot, but just dragging off the ground. It was a pitiful sight at 8:30 in the morning.

     A few of them ordered drinks and they sat in a booth and talked and cursed loudly with absolute disregard for any of the elderly people who were in the restaurant. They were utterly disgusting. They looked like filthy hobos, except if you cleaned them up they would look like all-American, high school kids next door. I thought back to my adolescence in the mid 80s and how mortified I would’ve been to be seen in public with dirty clothes or unwashed hair.

     I don’t know what’s going on in the world, but I have a feeling we’re reverting back to a tribal, more barbaric existence. Ironically, its technology that pushing us in that direction. The more people are distracted by looking into their magic mirrors (smart phones), the less human they become.

“Mirror, mirror in my hand. Tell me how great I am.”

     After I awhile, I packed up my laptop and walked out to my car and the loudmouth cusser was sitting against the wall with a cardboard sign. He asked me for money. I said no. He said thanks anyway, but with an obvious air of disdain.

     I don’t know, it seems like I don’t even have the energy or the will to pass judgement on these kids. They’ve been raised by lies fed to them by self serving authority figures, from absentee parents, to teachers, to pop stars. They obviously don’t have anyone who cares enough about them to make sure they look presentable when they leave the house. Really, none of them looked like they lived in a house.

     Still, even if they are on hard drugs and live on the street, the underlying problem is the attitude of hopelessness these kids have. The scary part is, what makes them so different than the sniveling psychopath of Isla Vista? They all have utter contempt for others. This guy acted like he’d just as soon shoot me in the back than take my spare change, but for some reason I feel sorry for him. And, for the first time in my life, I feel the need to carry a gun.